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Open Dreams

English Connects

On Saturday, February 22nd 2020 at the Hotel La Falaise in Yaounde - Cameroon, teachers and students came together to celebrate the English Language Day, an initiative of the British Council Yaounde.

Open Dreams scholars, who are ready when opportunity shows up, featured at the event, which had as theme, "English Connects", a chance to celebrate one of the most widely used languages in the world (the language of technology) and the tremendous stakes which go with it, especially to students seeking to study abroad. The "English Connects" event had as one of the major goals the revelation of numerous technological tools to empower many to learn English in the comfort of their homes using computers and mobile phones.

It began with small Tic Tac Toe's where words were used to make questions before moving into the rearrangement of jumbled words and professional business phrasal verbs utility.

Important websites/English resources were highlighted, among them FutureLearn's Short Courses, YouTube videos of common mistakes in the English Language on the British Council YouTube Channel, Apps dedicated to helping learner become more proficient in the language and other affordable online English Language courses on the British Council's website and social media channels.

Lovers of football have the ease as of now to take advantage of a free Premier English Language course on the British Council website .... and more!!!

The British Council commits 9.73 hours daily to make available resources including digital media, to the world for the learning of the English Language. They work on;-

1). English and the English Language Test (e.g IELTS)

2). Education and the Society

3). Arts, etc

Open Dreams Scholars stole the show in one of the activities which required the quick processing of descriptions from the crowd to arrive at an answer well ahead of other competitors. An exercise which was voluntary with one person representing a whole column for each question in the competition, the scholars demonstrated leadership and audacity in boldly moving up to take the challenge and emerging with success for the most part.

There was a guest speaker, a former Chevening Scholar, who shared her experiences on how helpful the English language has been to her in enabling her accomplish a lot.

The lucky winners

We remain thankful to the British Council Yaounde for this day and and for the Open Dreams Team for helping us to get there and participate.

One of our English Language Program Facilitators, Mme Ernestine Chi got awarded a certificate as a recognized English Language Teacher with IELTS competencies.

We also appreciate the commitments and investments in the English Language that the British Council has made in Sub-Saharan Africa, Cameroon inclusive.

By Teh Triumph, Open Dreams Pre-Scholar, one of the lucky winners of the raffle draw.

Editing: James Akaba

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