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Fostering the academic dreams of the needy

Open Dreams

“Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.” – John D. Rockefeller

On Sunday, June 5th 2022, Nformi Melvis led a team of 9 volunteers from Providence Action and together they paid a visit to St. Joseph Orphanage Upper-Bokova, Buea. This visit was in line with the objectives of Providence Action’s objective to support the education and health-related needs of the less privileged children. The team was received by the founder of the orphanage, Yaya Moses and the children, about 20 in number.

During the visit the Providence team donated writing materials such as pens, books, pencils etc to support the children afford quality education. We encouraged the children to study hard as education has taken people places irrespective of their backgrounds and it remains one of the gifts that cannot be taken away by anyone. The volunteers also spoke to the children about their various professions and field of studies, which was intended to inspire these young minds.

Some of our volunteers had this to say at the end of the program: “The experience was full of emotions. It is only after visiting places like the St. Joseph Orphanage that one starts to appreciate the little things in life when one sees people who do not have them and the world needs a lot from us be it our prayer, our treasures, our talent.”- J.killian

“Seeing how we were able to support the kids, I say today that Providence Action must be sustained”- Berinyuy Vanessa Logan.

Our special thanks go to our team of volunteers, and every individual who dedicated themselves to serve these children by giving in their time, finances, and moral support.

- Nformi Melvis, Open Dreams Scholar

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