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Covid-19 Prevention Outreach - Bamenda, Cameroon

Open Dreams

As Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe, the Government of Cameroonian has set up a series of measures to contain the virus, one of which involves the obligatory wearing of face mask by every Cameroonian when out of the house. Ever since this measure was passed, many Cameroonians still wander the streets with no face mask on. Some of them complain that the masks are expensive and thus they cannot afford them. Some who have the mask do not know how to use them properly and a handful of people still do not believe in the existence of the disease. After observing all these, a group of young change makers in the North West Region decided to make and share masks to some people in Bamenda. Each of the change makers contributed from their pockets in order to buy materials for the production of the face masks. Within the group, two people volunteered to sew the masks for free hence investing their time and efforts for the betterment of their community.

On the 25​th of April, 2020 as from 10 am prompt, the team shared 102 face masks to the people of New Layout Bamenda, reaching out to 18 homes and people in the streets. The masks were shared alongside flyers, which explained how the masks should be used for more effectiveness and also the benefits of putting the mask on when leaving the house.

The young ones were not left out of the sharing as there were many more young people without masks as compared to adults. When the team was done with the sharing, the team realized that there were still many people who are in need of the face masks. Just like this team, we invite other people to help out their communities in any way during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic and an associated sanitary crisis.

Report by Madza Eugette

This was an initiative of the following organizations

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