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A Teacher's Prayer | Aye Brandon Kiven

Open Dreams

A Teacher's Prayer

Before me is another teacher,

Let them be better than I

Let their passion be immeasurable

Before me is a farmer,

Let them take pride in tilling the soil

Let them see the honour

that is in making sure others have nourishment

Before me is a medical doctor,

Let every life matter to them

Let patience and compassion

be etched into their spirit

Before me is a husband,

Let someone's daughter not regret

Coming into his life

Before me is a wife,

Let her make her husband better

Let her be a blessing to the entire family

Before me is a president,

Let them not think only about their family

Let them not think only about their community

Let them embrace meritocracy

Let them not forget about ordinary people

Before me is a minister,

Let them make the president better

Let them understand that they are

to serve the people not the president

Let them not engage in thievery

Before me is a business person,

Let them embrace fairness

Before me is an ordinary citizen,

Let them know that they matter

Let them not give politicians the chance

To exploit them

Before me is a lawyer,

Let them be the lawyer

With a conscience that isn't dead

Before me is a judge,

Let them not choose money

Over fair judgement

Let them refuse to be influenced

By those who think they own the land

Before me is a civil servant,

Let them live good spirit of service

Before me is a custom officer,

Police personnel, military personnel, clergy

And many others

Let them always have the interest

of the people, and nation at heart

Before me is a liberator,

Let them not lose their humanity

As they fight for the good of all

May these little ones leave this milieu

Conscious that they weren't born

To be robbers,

To be prostitutes,

To be drug abusers,

To be heartless beings,

To be a source of headache

The society is indeed a hungry shark

With its mouth fully open

May they endeavour not only to dodge it

But to also produce the kind of strong smells

That sharks abhor

©Aye Brandon Kiven

January 20, 2025

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