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Aliceson Enonchong & Nomboh Evans, Open Dreams

Outreach by the Open Dreams Family driven by love

Friday January 3rd 2020 was for me an opportunity, under the coverage of Open Dreams to visit the Saint Marie Orphanage at Obili, Yaounde. It was more than just an opportunity for me to help the less privileged children; it was also a unique opportunity to re-affirm 💪🏾 my devotion to impacting positively on my community by reaching out and interacting with the socially underprivileged individuals. While at the orphanage, I grasped to what extent simple acts like giving and caring for people could completely change their mood and help them be more confident, proactive and happy. This was more evident as we sang and danced together while engaging in outdoor games. Also, I saw the strong bonds🔐 and love❤ these children had develop among themselves. They seemed to have been together forever and that I really admired!👌 In my ideal world, I see people living together in perfect harmony with no divides in the social class, with everyone enjoying similar privileges in the society.

I hope to have more experiences of this sort! #Live to impact#🔥 - Evans

The saying that goes thus, “When I was hungry, you fed me; when I was naked, you clothed me; when I was in jail, you visited me; when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink,” was honoured by the Open Dreams Team in Yaounde, with a successful visit to an orphanage as part of its community engagement and a way to encourage responsible citizenship where equality and equity reign and everyone is treated with dignity, regardless of the social class.

This team, made up of pre-scholars, scholars, program facilitators and members of the Open Dreams Team headed to this orphanage with only one thing in mind; making these kids feel our love. To meet this objective, we communed with them, danced with them, shared bits of fun moments and ended with a time of joy and laughter as many outdoor games took place.

During this visit, many had a chance to look back at their lives and see everything to be grateful for; others had a chance to remember that which is really important in life, sharing love with others and yet others had a chance to make commitments about helping the underprivileged.

At Open Dreams, we’re a family driven by love, so we took the love to them and in return, we got more love and satisfaction.

I’ll end by saying what was in the hearts and mind of the kids when we left; "Thank you Open Dreams". - Aliceson

Special Thanks to Ngoufack Paterson, Tsopmo Jurin, Open Dreams Buea (Courtesy, Che Desmond), Nteta Philip, Mengnjo Nives, Mr. Zac Angafor and so many others who supported us directly or indirectly in the mission

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