In memory of Aviva Lilia Bernado Kullberg
With such little fingers, such little toes
Such lively eyes, a mouth so tiny and a smile so sweet
How very quickly you tiptoed into our world
You were such an adorable baby.
Silently, only a moment you stayed.

Krystie in the Aviva Green moments before presenting the poem at the B'da Regional Hospital

We did not know why you were not able to eat
Not strong enough to laugh, dance and play
Though you had bouts of bradycardia, doctors were puzzled
They were not able to figure out what afflicted you
We wouldn’t have known that the course of our lives
Would bend to the will of these mysterious
circumstances beyond explanation
Devastated and crushed by your loss
You left us in the silence of our hearts
Minds lost in deep thoughts and retrospection
Housing questions without answers
Lips pressed into silence withholding memories
That flash into reels like a black-and-white movie
The film crashed and dusty
Heartbroken doesn't even begin to describe the feeling
You died before I knew you
A relationship confined to picture frames
A girl with the blond hair and pink lips
But what an imprint your footprints have left upon our hearts

Today we talk about the little girl who graced her frames
Like a silhouette of purity inviting strangers to seek that aura
To want to know that girl…..
To want to know little Aviva Lilia Bernado Kullberg
The great mind behind the Aviva initiative
A girl who poured love into the horizon
Dissolving the fibres of hate or discontent
That liger in the dirty city air
A power that clutched souls in her life and her death.
Relaying a whole community left with broken hearts
To join and mend the break.
Makoubo Krystie | Open Dreams