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CVG: Revealing the power of Home-Grown School Feeding | Miki Gilbert Ngwane

Updated: Mar 2

Today, March 1st, 2024 is Africa Day of School Feeding. Community Vision Group (CVG) as a member and partner of the UN Global School Meals Coalition, joined the rest of the stakeholders in Cameroon to commemorate this great day, which focused on revealing the power of Home-Grown School Feeding.

The CVG Country Director, Ntang Julius Meleng speaking to the Minister of Basic Education, Prof. Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa and his entourage (among them the The Secretary of State to the Minister, Dr. Asheri Vivian Kilo), and the World Food Country Director, Wanja Kaaria

Feeding children at school is not an expenditure: it's an investment with multiple impact pathways. School Feeding programmes especially in the Low and Middle Income Countries are very transformative, delivering on educational, nutritional and social protection outcomes.

Today, Community Vision Group can boast of a proven concept (over 80,000 meals served), rooted in research and backed by an extensive volunteer base.

For every $1 invested in feeding a child at his or her place of education, there's a $7 - $9 return on such investments...recent studies on Cost-Benefit analysis of school feeding reveal. This is an invitation for us to valorise school feeding, support such programmes and be a part of the global actors advocating for the 2030 agenda of the School Meals Coalition...every child accesses healthy & nutritious meals at school.

A big thank you to all our supporters.

  • Miki Gilbert Ngwane | Founder of Community Vision Group


The rest of the CVG Team:

  • Ndansack Emmerencia Kenjing (Director - CVG Centre of Excellence for Agriculture and Nutrition Research)

  • Ngwi Brandy (CVG Communication and Advocacy Lead)

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