I once heard that the right opportunity always finds you when you've done enough groundwork for it to happen. Over the years, my life has taken unexpected turns, leading me to places I could never have dreamed of and opportunities I never imagined someone like me could encounter.
For those who know me, it’s no secret that I rarely take full credit for my achievements. Even when I do, I never fail to mention how lucky or fortunate, I sometimes say, but truly I mean how blessed I feel. Today, I want to share some of my journey—stories that I hope will inspire another young Mohamed who might be afraid to dream.
A Chance Encounter with Open Dreams

My story with Open Dreams began almost five years ago, though its seeds were planted a year earlier. In my lower sixth class, I was grappling with the complexities of Further Mathematics when we were interrupted by a visiting delegation that later presented themselves as Open Dreams Scholars. Joyce Ngaha’s eloquence captivated the class as she shared her story of earning a full scholarship to the University of Zimbabwe. I was impressed, yet for reasons I’ll save for another time, I wasn’t interested in joining Open Dreams.
A year later, as Open Dreams began its yearly application season, my stance remained unchanged. My classmate, Serena-Axelle Nga Ebode, now an Open Dreams scholar, had applied a year prior and had gotten in. She had experienced what Open Dreams truly was and because of that, she wouldn’t rest until I submitted my application. She would soon discover how stubborn Mohamed can be. She persistently encouraged me to apply, but I resisted. For months, I ignored her pleas. On the final day of applications, something changed. While scrolling Facebook—a rare occurrence for me—I came across a post that immediately put a smile on my face. It was my teacher, Mr Bill Agha, flaunting a check, with a huge amount written on it, having won it due to one of his multitude of skills and projects. Something stood out soon after, the post said “Agha Bill, an Open Dreams Scholar …” so take a guess at what I did next.
While in awe and still wondering to what extent Open Dreams could go, I immediately reached out to him for more information. Excited about me reaching out, he shared some insights and encouraged me to apply before the day ended. Between his encouragement and Serena’s relentless persistence, I finally submitted an application—poorly written essays hastily completed within hours. Unlike other applicants, I didn’t submit transcripts, recommendation letters, or even meet word limits and neither was I called for an interview. Yet, to my surprise, a few weeks later, I was accepted into Open Dreams.
That day marked a turning point in my life. I’ll cut this story short because if I don’t I think I could write a whole book about it.
Up next: My scholarship journey.
83+ Applications to One Acceptance

Once I committed to Open Dreams, I began the arduous task of applying for scholarships. It took two long years, countless rejections, and over 83 applications before I finally secured a scholarship. Today, I am a junior at Harvard University. But here’s the twist: Harvard was never my goal.
During my gap years, I applied everywhere—Japan, Turkiye, Africa, Canada, the U.S., and more. Despite the rejections and the emotional toll, I kept going, I kept looking. One motivation that secretly kept me pushing forward was my desire to stand out. Open Dreams had scholars at prestigious universities worldwide, but I wanted to tread uncharted territory. But since I didn’t have the luxury of choice, I had to cast my net wide and apply everywhere possible.
It just so happened - or perhaps one could say I worked hard to make it happen, but, when my only acceptance arrived, it was to a school no Open Dreams scholar had attended before. Not only was I the first Open Dreams Scholar at Harvard, but I also became the first in the organization to secure admission to an Ivy League university. This paved the way for others who now proudly flaunt the colors of Ivy League schools as well as other prestigious institutions. Harvard wasn’t my original destination, but by working hard and staying prepared, it became my reality.
I’ll end with my internship search.
A Meta-morphic Internship

For context, I study Computer Science, aspiring to become a Software Engineer. During my freshman year, I applied to countless companies for summer internships but received no offers. In sophomore year, I tried again, supported by an amazing Open Dreams friend and mentor, Styve Lekane. This time, I advanced further in the process but still faced rejection after rejection.
As I was beginning to lose hope, an unexpected email arrived from a Meta recruiter telling me she had seen my profile online and was interested, if I were, in moving me forward in their recruitment process. I’ll let you guess what my response was. Weeks later, with Styve’s guidance who himself interned with Google in the USA and Europe, I was thrilled to announce that I had secured my first-ever internship as a Software Engineer and that I would be working at Meta.
Once again, this was an opportunity I had never seen coming, yet my preparations and my faith in God were all I needed to secure the internship and rock at the work I was assigned throughout that summer.

Looking back, my journey is a testament to resilience and faith. Opportunities may seem random, but they often find those who prepare for them. As I navigate life, I hold onto the mantra: “Work hard as though it all depended on you and pray hard as though it all depended on God.”
Mohamed Moumie | Open Dreams Scholar