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Open Dreams

Pedagogic Innovation in Africa | Symposium on e-learning

The 3-day International Symposium on Pedagogic Innovation in Africa, which held at the Congress Hall - Yaounde from the 20th - 22nd of October, 2022, brought together experts, professionals, and practitioners in digital technologies, instructional technologies and e-learning from more than 25 countries. The stunning, sensitization, capacity building and scaling international event was organized in response to the stakes and challenges involved in the implementation of innovative pedagogies in Africa.

The purpose was also to permit stakeholders, innovative tech entrepreneurs and innovators from Cameroon and abroad to demonstrate how their IT experiences have helped them to improve the quality of teaching and instructional material in their communities. There were amazing case illustrations from the president of the ICT University, and the CEO of CAYSTI with their Connect My School programme.

The most subversive tech-visions on innovative pedagogies in Cameroon and Africa as a whole was articulated by Professor Victor Mbarika, President of the ICT University. In his opinion, if we must develop, we (Africans) need a radical change of mentality. We need to believe in ourselves and to stop the beggarly attitude of always asking for help from international organizations as if we have nothing to offer. All we need is a change of mentality and to put in value the endearing potentials Cameroon is endowed with.

The idea of the International Symposium was put in place by PARI PEDAGOGIQUE, a non-profit organization whose Senior Project Manager is the Director of ENS Yaounde, Professor Annie Sylvie Wakata. PARI PEDAGOGIQUE is a French acronym for Educational Adaptation, Resilience and Innovation in the context of crisis and the digital age. With the prominence of ICTs in education today, the project aims at proposing a process for the adoption of a Digital Learning Environment (DLE) for in-service training of contract and community teachers at all levels: pre-school, primary, secondary, and tertiary.

The Symposium held under the patronage of the Minister of State Minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo.

- Dr. Kusi Toh | Open-Dreams |Instructional Technologies

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